Iron menu: foods that increase hemoglobin levels

We all know very well that hemoglobin level is one of the most important indicators of health. But what does it mean and how does it affect the work of all organs and systems? What is considered a normal level? How to identify the lack of hemoglobin in time and how to replenish? What products raise its level in the blood? We propose to understand these questions together. And at the same time to find out what products help to increase hemoglobin.

Work around the clock

Let's remember what hemoglobin is and what role it plays in the body. Hemoglobin - a type of iron-containing protein, which consists of red blood cells, they are red blood cells. It is also partially contained in plasma.

The key function that hemoglobin performs is the transportation of oxygen from the lungs to every cell in the body and carbon dioxide on the return route. Hemoglobin has other duties as well. It keeps the acid-base balance normal, namely slowing both acidification and alkalinizati…

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Ivan-tea is an elixir of health, longevity and vigor

Long before black tea appeared in our household, the favorite drink in Russia was Ivan-chai. Today it is practically forgotten, and for nothing. Not without reason it is called a natural medicine cabinet for all occasions. In addition, it has a rich flavor with subtle expressive shades. What is this drink such a drink, willow tea? What are its benefits? How to choose and brew it correctly? Experts of Ivan Chaikin brand, which together with Julia Vysotskaya released a branded series of willow tea, tell about all this and much more. At the link you can browse the stores where Ivan Chaykin tea is presented. We would also like to draw your attention to the fact that we have already planned deliveries of this healthy natural drink to other cities. Look for our branded willow tea on the shelves of the nearest stores!

Healing power inside

Ivan-tea was first mentioned in Russian chronicles of the XII century. Up until the XVII century, it was enjoyed by everyone from a simple …

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Beautiful smile, healthy teeth

Beautiful smile, healthy teeth

We do not think about how much sugar we consume every day with drinks, baked goods, fruits and vegetables. Sugar is the main cause of tooth decay, and often only a dentist can stop its progression. Today, there is a solution that helps to fight the harmful effects of sugar at home. There are oral care products with a sugar acid neutralizer that prevent tooth decay at an early stage, returning health to the teeth and beauty to the smile.

Even in limited amounts, sugar is damaging to teeth - there's a reason it's considered the #1 cause of tooth decay. After consuming sugary foods, bacteria in the mouth begin to break them down. This creates harmful acids that damage and destroy tooth enamel. It loses calcium, and caries begins to develop on the weakened areas. Over time, the disease progresses, and if not addressed, it will destroy the tooth.

It is impossible to completely eliminate sugar from the diet, because it is al…

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How to eat with high cholesterol

Probably, everyone has heard at least once that it is necessary to monitor the level of cholesterol in the blood. According to medical experts, normal low-density cholesterol ranges from 3.4 to 5.2 mmol/l (depending on age, sex and weight). If this figure is significantly higher, it is worth reconsidering your relationship with diet and lifestyle.

In a new article, let's understand whether cholesterol can be considered an unambiguously harmful element for the body. We will tell you about the products that are better to exclude from the diet in case of high cholesterol. And we will also share recipes for dishes that can normalize this indicator of health. Read our material and go to the laboratory to test for cholesterol, if you have not done it for a long time!

"Bad" and "good" cholesterol

Before finding out what foods help to reduce cholesterol, it is important to understand whether it is so harmful. After all, our liver regularly produces 70-80% of all the ch…

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The avocado fruit and its healthy fat

Silicon Valley biohackers have declared high-fat eating the new healthy trend, and the time of non-fat foods is coming to an end. Today's healthy diet involves cutting back on carbohydrates in favor of protein and healthy fats.

Scientists have calculated that when the body receives less than 20 grams of carbohydrates per day, it triggers the process of ketosis. In this state, from the fat obtained with food and extracted from your own fat deposits, the liver synthesizes ketones - substances that become new fuel for the entire body.

This diet involves avoiding buns and cakes in favor of a quality piece of meat (or tofu), vegetable oils and greens. You eat and you lose weight. Sounds like fun.

While nutritionists debate whether or not to be the new diet, the fact remains that the right fat plays an important role in keeping us healthy. The human brain is made up of 60% fat, as are the membranes of cells throughout the body. So even if the idea of ketodi…

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Millet porridge: the benefits of “golden groats” and its importance in the diet

"Porridge is our mother", "You can't spoil porridge with butter" - Russian folk proverbs praise this famous old dish. At all times porridge, and even flavored with a piece of butter, was considered the queen of the table. And they were right! Editors of "Edim Doma" will tell you about the "golden" millet porridge, its useful properties, the subtleties of cooking and its importance in the diet of modern man.

History of the emergence of millet porridge

Despite the fact that many associate millet with bird food, it is one of the most ancient grains.

Millet is a peeled from the shell of millet grains. It began to be cultivated as early as the 5th century BC in Mongolia and China, from where it came to Europe. This is confirmed by the findings of archaeologists who found in warehouses in Northern China more than 50 tons of millet, the age of which is estimated at 8 thousand centuries.

More than 10 thousand years ago millet was also grown in Africa - in Ethio…

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Omega acids: nature’s gift to man

Let your food be your perfect medicine,

and your medicine will be your food.Hippocrates.

In our days, a person every day has to face a mass of unpleasant factors that negatively affect his health. The polluted environment of megacities, the busy rhythm of life and not always favorable conditions for timely eating force their inhabitants to experience constant stress, which is not beneficial to the full and productive work of the human body. And as a result, a lot of diseases associated with improper and untimely nutrition, leads people to complete physical and, as a consequence, psychological exhaustion. When a person begins to have health problems, all the joy of his existence, saturated with bright colors of life, like a majestic caravel filled with untold riches, crashes on underwater reefs, no one marked on the map of the ocean. But this is a problem not only for the inhabitants of megacities. Residents of other cities and towns are also subject to variou…

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4 live shows that will make you take action and reach new heights

Forget about boring workouts - enjoy every minute with the fitness app "Eight". Here you will find a series of live broadcasts in which experts in nutritionology and facebuilding, psychology, bodybuilding, who have won the trust of more than a million people across Russia, will reveal the secrets of success and help you become the best version of yourself!

Popular broadcasts that will take place in the near future.

"Hormones: the secrets of slimness"

Air date - June 4 at 11:00 (Moscow time). Let's talk about diets and breakdowns, mistakes that every second thinning person makes. Let's analyze why you should start taking vitamins and minerals during a diet.

Anastasia Fateeva is the founder ofthe School of Slenderness and Health, Doctor of Medical Sciences, endocrinologist-dietitologist with 13 years of experience. Thanks to Anastasia, more than 2000 patients have become slim and healthy.

You can sign up for the live broadcast at the link.

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Summer diet: which foods will help you survive the heat

In winter, we look forward to summer, but when the heat comes, we remember the coolness with nostalgia... Air conditioners are not available in all rooms, and sometimes we have to stay in the sun all day, which becomes a hard test for the body. What foods and dishes in the heat will help to improve health?

Fruits, berries, vegetables

Juicy fruits and juices made from them not only quench thirst, but also remove toxins from the body. This is especially true of pineapples, citrus fruits, melons, watermelons, ripe peaches, strawberries and apples, which are 85-90% liquid. Prepare a refreshing watermelon juice, and you will be no matter how hot it gets!

For watermelon juice you need:

300 g of watermelon pulp half a lemon

Cool the watermelon, remove the seeds and beat the pulp in a blender. Add 1 tbsp. of lemon juice, pour into glasses, add ice and decorate the drink with a sprig of mint, which also cools quite well. Such cocktails can be made from any juic…

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What is useful beet juice and how to prepare it at home

Beet juice is not widely recognized. The main reason for this is its specific sweet and earthy taste, which is not to everyone's liking. However, despite this feature, many supporters of good nutrition willingly include beet juice in their diet. And they do it for a reason, because this drink is considered very useful thanks to vitamins, minerals and other valuable substances contained in a bright root vegetable.

Beet juice: benefits and harm to the body

More and more often in relation to beets, the term "superfood" is applied, which denotes products with a high concentration of useful elements. And indeed, if you analyze the chemical composition of beets, you will find a rich variety of macro- and microelements, a generous portion of vitamins and organic acids, powerful antioxidants. This vegetable is also unique in that it can be eaten not only after heat treatment, but also in raw form. Including beet leaves are suitable for eating.

As for beet juice, it is …

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