Alexander Dolgin is a professor, head of the Department of Pragmatics of Culture at the Higher School of Economics, head of the Pragmatics of Culture Research Foundation, and manager of the Imhonet recommendation service.
Today the scientist is engaged in research on the problems of happiness and the meaning of life. What is the most valuable thing in human life, what is the basis for a long and happy life? How to learn to live happily? Alexander Dolgin knows the answers to these questions.
- Why do you think a person begins to think about what he has managed to do in life, what he can leave behind?
- A person begins to think at the moment when it seems to him that he has somewhere reached the plateau of his personal career. When it seems to him, when he sees that some part of the game has already been played, he does not see another game, whether it was played badly or well - but it has been played, and he has implemented some program, then…