The benefits and harms of cheese for the body

O tem vam bomo povedali v članku:

Composition and caloric content of cheese

Varieties of cheese can not be counted. Even if you count them now and write them down, then in a year's time the lists will lose relevance - somewhere in the world something new will be invented. You can always add spices to a classic recipe, play with aging and texture. And the exact caloric content and composition of the cheese will depend on the specific recipe.

Therefore, we will take as a basis one of the most popular semi-hard varieties - "Russian". Its fat content is on average 50%. In the composition of normalized cow's milk, sourdough starter, salt, as well as various additives: from enzymes for milk curdling to dyes. It all depends on the manufacturer and his approach. But even the purest product is usually not without enzymes, preservatives and coloring agents. Such is the peculiarity of production.

In 100 g of "Russian" cheese contains:

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How to properly peel a dragonfruit and what to do with it next

O tem vam bomo povedali v članku:

What is dragonfruit

Dragonfruit, dragon fruit, dragon fruit, pitahaya, pitaya - these are 4 different names for the same type of fruit of curly liana-like cacti from South America and other warm regions. To us more often bring red dragonfruit with white pulp. But there are also yellow and deep red not only outside, but also inside.

Pitahaya visually stands out even among exotic fruits. Strange shape, something reminiscent of a cone, bright rind with growths - the comparison with the dragon and its scales appeared for a reason. Romantics believe that the pitahaya still remembers the dragons. Before they died, they gave their heart to man, which was the pitahaya.

This is fiction, and the truth is that the taste of dragonfruit resembles simultaneously kiwi, watermelon, pear and even a little beet. At the same time, among the red fruits are quite often caught fresh. The smell of the fruit is also rather neutral -…

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7 foods that can actually prolong your life: proven by science

What foods to talk about: Legumes

Legumes (such as chickpeas, peas, beans, lentils and others) are known to be high in protein and low in fat, rich in complex carbohydrates, fiber, polyphenols and saponins. Regular - at least 4 servings per week - consumption of legumes in the diet leads to a reduction in the risk of coronary heart disease, as well as contribute to the normalization of blood glucose, reduce body weight.

Eating legumes reduces the risk of coronary heart diseaseCoffee

One of the most widely consumed beverages worldwide. Rich in bioactive polyphenols, caffeine, potassium. It is proved that there are no clinically significant effects (development of hypertension) with regular long-term coffee consumption. The polyphenolic antioxidants in coffee improve glucose metabolism and insulin sensitivity. Even one cup of coffee daily reduces the risk of premature mortality by 12%.


Contains high amounts of antioxidants that include flavonoids and polyph…

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Coffee with beer and 5 more unusual combinations with coffee

Some people like a classic cup of espresso in the morning and are not ready to add even a drop of water or milk to a hot drink, while others exclusively prefer lattes or cappuccinos with bitter milk foam, which is also considered a coffee classic. What should those who like to experiment with flavors do? Experiment, of course!

If you want to change something in the morning, but you are not ready for big experiments, then add a small piece of butter to your coffee. This drink is very popular in Asia, and it is believed that it helps to get rid of extra pounds and gives much more energy than simple coffee with milk.

The drink, consisting of espresso, vanilla cola, vanilla syrup and ice, became very popular after the release of the movie "Pulp Fiction". Such a sweet and invigorating combination is called "Vincent Vega", fans of espresso tonic will definitely appreciate such a cocktail.

Coffee with egg yolk is eagerly drunk in Vietnam and Norway. Egg coffee …

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All the pros and cons of Robusta, who will love budget coffee and why

Robusta is the second most popular type of coffee. It is considered by many to be a "second-rate" coffee: it is cheap, sold mostly in blends with arabica, and there is talk among gourmets that it does not taste good at all. But what really is Robusta and why you might like it? Ilya Savinov, founder of online coffee roasting service Torrefacto, tells us .

Robusta: species or variety?

Robusta and arabica are often called different types of coffee, but in fact they are different types of coffee trees. In other words, they are two completely different plants. However, it is Robusta that is the progenitor of Arabica: it is believed that the new species originated from a cross between Robusta and Eugenioides (a rare type of coffee that is not grown on an industrial scale).

Compared to Arabica, Robusta is unpretentious, tolerates heat and humidity well, and is less susceptible to disease and pests. It is no coincidence that its name comes from the Latin robust, meanin…

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Coffee or chicory: what you need to know to make the right choice

Interesting facts about coffee

Coffee has been popular all over the world for centuries. The earliest mention of it as a beverage dates back to the 15th century. It is the second most traded commodity in the world after oil. The birthplace of coffee is considered to be Ethiopia. According to one version, this drink was discovered by Sheikh Abd-al-Qadir, he also said: "No one can understand the truth until he tastes the coffee foam bliss".

Coffee ceremony in Ethiopia is a beautiful and solemn ritual

In Ethiopia, coffee is still considered a national treasure. There, traditionally, the drink is served first to the oldest guest and then to everyone else, and refusing coffee can be considered an insult. In Ecuador, coffee is made very thick, strong and sweet and is used as a brew by adding it to boiling water. In Vietnam it is drunk cold, in Turkey it is considered a symbol of the country, in Syria it has powerful homeopathic properties, and in Greece coffee with a thick …

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Let’s figure out what borscht is as Ukraine’s new national treasure

TheMinistry of Culture of Ukraine has announced that five Ukrainian traditions will be included in the National List of Elements of Intangible Cultural Heritage. These are "the culture of cooking Ukrainian borscht", the technology of making a Klembov shirt with a flower, Easter festivities in the village of Roskoshevka in Vinnitsa region, Borshchevka folk embroidery and "Carpathian lizhnekarstvo", Carpathian handmade bedspreads.

Oleksandr Tkachenko, Minister of Culture of Ukraine said that his department "will continue to target UNESCO". Hutsul ceramics had previously been on the country's cultural heritage list.

For many, this decision by Ukraine has become and will continue to be a cause for controversy. Several Eastern European countries can claim rights to the borscht . Last year, a tweet by the Russian Foreign Ministry saying that borscht is one of the most famous and favorite Russian dishes caused a lot of commotion. Lithuanians also consider barščiai the…

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Oolong, Puerh, Tizan: what are the differences between these types of tea and which of them to choose in a restaurant, says the expert

What we will tell you about in the article: History of the origin of tea

The real birthplace of tea is considered to be China. It is there that many traditions and ceremonies associated with this popular drink originated. According to one legend, the discovery of tea is attributed to Emperor Shen-nung - the main hero of ancient Chinese mythology. It is told at the very beginning of the popular book "Treatises on Tea from the Tang and Song eras" translated by Julia Dreizis: "One day the emperor decided to boil water in the open air for his decoctions. Thanks to a strong wind, leaves from a nearby bush moved into the cauldron. Shen-nung decided to taste the water, which suddenly changed its color. And not surprisingly, the drink was to his liking."

This is approximately how, according to legend, tea appeared in China. Tea was brought to Russia by the Chinese as a gift for the then ruling Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov.

Why do you need a tea card

Now in a cafe …

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