Why eat rainbows and how to eat a diverse diet

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Heart diseases are at the top of the list of causes of death worldwide. The others include infectious and congenital diseases, as well as cancer. Cardiovascular diseases can be most effectively prevented by lifestyle changes. Genetics in the case of them plays a secondary role.

That is, by eating right, you can stay healthy longer and increase your life expectancy. Or even become a long-lived person, because it is not for nothing that vegetarians live longer than meat-eaters - they differ only in diet.

The diet of modern man abounds with added sugar and salt, fats, excessive processing of products. At the same time, the necessary fiber, protein and proper unsaturated fats in it, on the contrary, too little. If you don't pay attention to these elements, you will almost certainly experience vitamin and mineral deficiencies, poor health and low energy levels.

How much fiber do you need?

You should eat at least 400 grams of frui…

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How to properly store fish, so that in the refrigerator there is no odor: tips from experienced hosts

You should take care to keep fish as fresh as possible for as long as possible in advance. Before going to the store or market, bring along an airtight parcel that will keep food chilled on the way home.

"If you know you plan to cook the fish on a different day than the same day, bring along an airtight grocery bag or ask to have the fish packed with ice," recommends culinary expert John Burrows. By using this little trick, you'll successfully keep your fish fresh on the road.

As soon as you get home, put the fresh fish in a container with ice and place it in the refrigerator. This way it can stay quite cold for a few hours without having to be frozen.

To store the fish with ice, it is best to use a colander and a larger bowl to collect the water. In this case, the bowl will act as a tray, and the fish will stay fresh for a long time and will not absorb the excess water formed when the ice melts. It is worth replacing the ice from time to time.


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How to store eggs before and after Easter: useful tips

What we will tell you about in the article: How many eggs should be dyed

The first question that arises before any hostess when it comes to preparing for Easter is how many eggs should be bought? Nutritionists advise in this matter to proceed from the number of people for whom they will be prepared. It is best to prepare eggs at the rate of 2 pieces per person.

How and where to buy eggs Before buying eggs, open the package and check that all eggs are whole, without cracks and damage

It is best to buy eggs in checked supermarkets, not in spontaneous markets. If the storage conditions have been violated, then eating them can be dangerous.

The next point to pay attention to is the date of sorting.

When buying eggs, do not hesitate to open the packaging. Look at how they look: the shell should be clean, without cracks, damage and dirt.

Storing raw eggs

Eggs should be stored in the refrigerator at a temperature between 0° and 20°. The shelf life of …

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How to read wine labels correctly, so as not to be disappointed in the choice – tells the expert

What to read in the article:

The wine label is a real "passport" that stores all the most important information about the wine. It is thanks to it, any buyer can get the first idea of what awaits him in the bottle. But, when looking at some wine labels can sometimes be confused. After all, there is so much incomprehensible at first glance information that it seems much easier to take a familiar wine and do not agonize with the choice. However, this is a false desire, because having learned to read wine labels correctly you will be able to find even in an ordinary hypermarket a real treasure. In this difficult business we will be helped by an expert - Anna Davidovich, a member of the Russian and Moscow Sommelier Associations, the creator of the wine list, which received the awards "Best Wine List of the Bar" and "Best Wine List by Glasses", a lecturer at the Higher School of Economics on the course "Wine Business Management".

What to look for on the label

The most det…

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Getting rid of the bag of bags: 12 effective tips for storing food and utensils in the kitchen

What we will talk about in this article: What is a working triangle To cook was convenient, the distance between the zones of the working triangle should be no more than 1,5-2 meters

This is the arrangement of the main zones of the kitchen in a certain order. Such a concept was invented in order to optimize time and action. The three main kitchen zones are:

food storage zone - refrigerator;food preparation zone - sink;the cooking zone - the worktop and the hob.

When the refrigerator is far away from the sink, you have to make a lot of unnecessary movements when carrying food. In a bare recalculation, whole days out of the year are lost. On one side of the sink should be the refrigerator and on the other side should be the work area with the cooktop. This is how a functional work triangle is formed.

Lifehacks for convenient storage of food and utensils

Specialist in organizing space shared tips that will make life easier for every housewife.

Storing dishes P…
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How to properly store pomegranate at home: 6 simple ways

What we will tell you about in this article:

The word pomegranate (pomegranate) means "apple with many seeds". Overripe fruit, not plucked from the tree, "explode", the seeds fall to the ground, and then germinate. By the way, this is where the name of the explosive device of the same name was borrowed from.

Pomegranate has special culinary talents. Its flavor harmoniously combines sweetness and sourness, which increases the range of gastronomic possibilities of the fruit. In cooking, pomegranate is added to salads, hot dishes, desserts and drinks. Juicy ruby grains are beautiful without accompaniment.

Conditions and methods of storage of pomegranate

If you bought pomegranates that you don't plan to use for food anytime soon, you can preserve them to enjoy the fruit later. Here are a few such ways.

Method #1

Ripe (but not overripe) pomegranate fruit without damage can be stored at room temperature for1-2weeks. For this purpose, select a cool place witho…

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These are 5 mistakes we make when choosing an oil

What we will tell you about in the article: Choosing an oil with the wrong smoke point

Before buying an oil, type it into an internet search and look up its smoke point. Anything above 200 degrees is fine for frying, up to 200 is fine for baking at the appropriate temperature, and oils with a lower burning point (130-180) are best used only for cold dishes.

If you use unsuitable frying oils, they will release harmful substances (including carcinogens) when burning and their flavor will be ruined.

The best oils for frying are mustard oil, avocado oil, grape seed oil and ghee.

Buy oil in clear plastic

Many types of oils oxidize easily when exposed to light. These include, for example, linseed oil, sesame oil, olive oil, cedar oil, canola oil, sea buckthorn oil and many others. After oxidation, the oil loses some of its beneficial properties and acquires a rancid taste.

Plastic can also negatively affect the preservation of the oil. Some types of o…

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Pescetarians: who they are and what they eat

Pescetarians are people who refuse to eat meat from animals and birds. They eat seafood and fish, as well as eggs, dairy products, vegetables and fruits. Some people consider pescetarianism as an intermediate stage on the way to vegetarianism, while others find this system of eating more suitable and healthier for their body.

Vegetarianism and pescetarianism: what are the differences?

Many studies categorize pescetarians, as well as ovo- and lactovegetarians (those who give up meat but not dairy or eggs) as vegetarians. However, according to GlobalData statistics published in 2017, it is the pescetarian diet that is followed by about 3% of the world's population, and the difference between them and vegetarians is large.

While vegetarianism and veganism involves the complete avoidance of animal products, pescetarians are not as radical. Their diet may include: sea and river fish, seafood (clams, crabs, shrimp, caviar), milk and dairy products, legumes and legum…

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How to buy quality chocolate and not to make a mistake in the choice?

What we will tell you about in the article:

What to pay attention to when buying?

First of all, you need to pay attention to the cocoa content, which is part of the chocolate. The more it is and the less sugar, milk, other components, the more attractive such a product. Of course, the expiration date is important. If it has expired, there is a high probability of a change in flavor.

This can also happen in case of violation of cooking technology, when as a result of improper tempering appears fatty graying. The same defect may appear in case of violation of rules of transportation or storage of chocolate - it begins to melt at temperatures above 30 degrees, cocoa butter comes to the surface, and a grayish scale is formed.

In addition, there may be sugar graying. If the chocolate has been stored at a low temperature and then moved to a warm room, condensation droplets appear on the surface where the sugar dissolves. If the chocolate has been lying near o…

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What to do with leftover wine? A simple way to save it so you don’t have to pour it out

Let's say you want to have a glass or two of wine and don't know what to do with the rest of the bottle. Opened wine doesn't store nearly as well, but there is still a way to avoid turning leftovers into waste. Spoiler: it's especially useful for those who cook often.

Sommeliers recommend storing an open bottle of wine only in the refrigerator. White wine can last only two or three days in such conditions, red wine - a little more, about five. It is recommended to pump out the air with a special vacuum pump to slow down the oxidation process. But in general, the recommendation is as follows: it is better not to keep open wine for a long time.

What to do with it? Chef Ben Ebbrell, co-creator of the popular YouTube channel Sorted Food, has proposed a fairly simple lifehack, with which you can save the remains of wine and reduce the amount of waste in the kitchen.

The leftover wine should be poured into ice molds like this. Then use it for sauces and risotto

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