Heart diseases are at the top of the list of causes of death worldwide. The others include infectious and congenital diseases, as well as cancer. Cardiovascular diseases can be most effectively prevented by lifestyle changes. Genetics in the case of them plays a secondary role.
That is, by eating right, you can stay healthy longer and increase your life expectancy. Or even become a long-lived person, because it is not for nothing that vegetarians live longer than meat-eaters - they differ only in diet.
The diet of modern man abounds with added sugar and salt, fats, excessive processing of products. At the same time, the necessary fiber, protein and proper unsaturated fats in it, on the contrary, too little. If you don't pay attention to these elements, you will almost certainly experience vitamin and mineral deficiencies, poor health and low energy levels.
How much fiber do you need?You should eat at least 400 grams of frui…