Dit moet iedereen weten: experts hebben de geheimen van gezonde snacks onthuld

De gouden regel van gezonde snacks is weinig calorieën en nuttige micro- en macronutriënten. Specialisten van Rospotrebnadzor hebben een formule ontwikkeld voor zulke snacks. Het enige wat nog moet gebeuren, is het gebruiken.

Experts op het gebied van evenwichtige voeding boden 4 varianten van gezonde snacks aan. Tijdens de week hoeven we alleen maar degene te kiezen die we het lekkerst vinden en een voorraadje in te slaan. Met deze tactiek voorkom je dat je chips, snoep en calorierijke koekjes eet.

4 gezonde snacks 1- Eiwitsnack

Kies een van de eiwitvoedingen. Let op de portiegrootte. Een tussendoortje is een kleine maaltijd, je moet je niet laten meeslepen, zelfs niet met gezonde voeding op dit moment.

1 gekookt ei;60 g tonijn in eigen nat;30 g mager vlees, vis of gevogelte;30 g noten.2. Fruit / groente snack

Het is aan te raden om fruit of groenten als een aparte maaltijd aan je dieet toe te voegen in de eerste helft van de dag.200 g bananen, appels of sinaasappels;

1 el druiven of bessen;200 g wortelen, paprika, kool of selderij;400 g sla ...
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De dokter vertelde hoe je van zwelling afkomt: eet dit product gewoon niet

De statistieken van Rospotrebnadzor bevestigen dat de inwoners van ons land twee keer zoveel zout consumeren als de norm vereist. We vertellen je waar dit toe leidt en hoe het lichaam reageert op het teveel.

Overtollig zout betekent vocht vasthouden in het lichaam, oedeem, verhoogde bloeddruk. Elke extra gram natrium is gemiddeld 200 milliliter water dat het lichaam opslaat.

Een verhoogde druk heeft een negatieve invloed op de nieren en verhoogt het risico op cardiovasculaire catastrofes. Tegen deze achtergrond is het duidelijk dat zout opgeven de gezondheid zal helpen redden. De norm voor zout is één theelepel per dag voor volwassenen en een halve theelepel voor kinderen en ouderen.

Je kunt drie dagen zout weigeren, er zullen geen negatieve veranderingen optreden. Bovendien, als je eerder overmatige hoeveelheden zout hebt geconsumeerd, zul je een positief effect merken: overtollig vocht zal verdwijnen, gewicht en zwelling zullen verminderen.

Je moet ook rekening houden met het verborgen zout in winkelp...

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We’re all heading towards diabetes: what to do if you have high sugar?

What is diabetes?

Diabetes mellitus is a disease caused by a disorder of carbohydrate metabolism. Diabetes comes in types 1 and 2. Type 1 diabetes is related to the fact that the body stops producing insulin: the cells in the pancreas that produce insulin are destroyed. As a result, there is no insulin in the body, and glucose cannot be digested by the cells. Insulin is a hormone that is a conduit for transporting glucose from the blood to the cell where this glucose will be utilized. In diabetes, the cell is in starvation, even though there is mogo sugar outside. But it does not get into the cell because there is no insulin. Classical specialists prescribe insulin throughout the day and before each meal: it used to be injected in syringes, syringe pens, but now there are insulin pumps.

Type 2 diabetes is also associated with impaired metabolism of carbohydrates, but the mechanism is different - insulin, on the contrary, there is a lot of insulin and the receptors tha…

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Can’t lose weight? Get these 5 items out of your kitchen!

Provocation for excessive appetite can be the most common things in the kitchen, such as a large plate, writes "Dr. Peter".

According to nutritionist Olga Dekker, in our kitchen you can find five interior things that make your appetite go wild. Take a look around and remember your habits at the table.

Big plate

The optical trick with a large plate is often used in restaurants. At home, it is contraindicated for serving. When we put our food on a large plate, we often overdo the portion. It is best to use small plates for the second course.

By the way, the same "trick" happens with spoons. Try to eat porridge or cottage cheese with a small spoon, and you will get full faster. From this series and a large table, which you want to make appetizers, filling the empty space.

Bright interior

The color scheme of the walls in the kitchen of red, green, blue or other contrast stimulates the appetite. A similar effect is exerted by bright facades of kitchen …

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Which popular foods can cause rapid weight gain, expert opinion

Therapist and nutritionist Elena Tikhomirova has listed drinks and foods that should be avoided in your diet if you are trying to maintain or lose weight.

First of all - these are juices, says Tikhomirova. Such drinks are usually called useful by definition, but not everything is so simple. Yes, they can be a treasure trove of vitamins and minerals, but this applies only to properly prepared fresh juices, which should be consumed within the first hour after preparation. But it is better to refuse from the majority of packetized store variants. In 100 g of such a drink contains an amount of carbohydrates that can be compared to three spoons of sugar. And in a standard glass of 200 ml you will find 6 spoons of sugar!

Quick breakfasts are not very healthy: granola, granola with nuts, cereal - all these are sources of carbohydrates that can cause weight gain.

Fans of Japanese cuisine should also be wary. The main ingredient of rolls is rice, which contains a …

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What happens if you eat oatmeal every day

Oatmeal is a nutritious and healthy breakfast option. A nutritionist told us what happens to the body if you eat oatmeal every day for a few weeks.

The benefits of eating oatmeal every day are impressive. It can boost energy levels, help control weight, support heart health and more, believes nutritionist Mansi Gupta.

"Oatmeal is one of the best breakfast options as it promotes satiety and maintains blood glucose levels throughout the day. They contain beta-glucan, which is the most active compound that has anti-diabetic effects. In addition, oatmeal in the morning will allow you to stay satiated for a long time, avoiding unnecessary snacking," shared the nutritionist.

The doctor told what happens to the body if you eat oatmeal every day. Here's what oatmeal, familiar to all of us, is capable of:

Increases energy levels;promotes weight loss;improves digestion;supports heart health;regulates blood sugar levels;provides the body with essential nutrient…
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A porridge that lowers blood sugar and appetite has been named

In summer, you don't want to eat heavy food. This porridge - light and tasty - takes its rightful place in the diet of Russians not only in the warm season. And not by chance. With the help of super porridge, familiar to many, you can significantly reduce blood sugar and reduce the tendency to overeating.

Borscht, pilaf, goulash and other hearty dishes in summer give way to less caloric ones. At the top of the pedestal among breakfast dishes porridge with berries, fruits and nuts. From them you can get a lot of nutrients, stay satiated for a long time, and even improve your health.

Oatmeal porridge is probably the best of those dishes that help to keep blood sugar levels normal, and with regular use even reduce it, reminds therapist Alexandra Fileva.

However, rich in complex carbohydrates and are able to normalize blood sugar levels, the work of the gastrointestinal tract only oatmeal flakes from whole grain. Especially useful properly cooked oatmeal - no…

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How much to drink water and how to do it properly

There are many different bottles of water on the counter: mineral water, enriched with vitamins, flavored with strawberry or coconut. But is it worth overpaying when choosing the most useful water? Nutritionists are sure that it is enough to drink well purified water without any additives.

How much water to drink daily

The norm of water per day differs depending on gender. So, experts believe that men of average weight and height need to drink from 2.5 to 3.7 liters a day, and women - from 2 to 2.7 liters.

"In Russia, there are still no uniform norms, but there are recommendations - on average 30 ml per 1 kg of body weight" - explained "RBC. Style" nutritionist Ksenia Selezneva. The expert pointed out that the recommended daily norm of water consumption has been developed, including dishes containing liquid - juice, tea, coffee, watermelon, soup. It is important not to forget about it.

How to drink water correctly

Try to distribute the required amount of…

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Meghan Markle’s postpartum diet is wrong. Here’s why

Meghan's breakfast

What does Meghan Markle eat for breakfast? The American edition of Insider published the diet of the Duchess: her day begins with breakfast, which is based on acai bowls - a mixture of fruit salad, dried fruit and yogurt. The secret ingredient is a handful of fresh berries, banana slices, New Zealand manuka honey, flower pollen and coconut shavings.

A proper breakfast should be as varied as possible. And for it to benefit the Duchess, it needs some changes. You can say yes to seasonal fruits, berries and oatmeal, as well as yogurt (natural, without added sugar) and milk (goat or soy). But you should still avoid honey, as a source of sugar, and tropical fruits.

It is also known that Meghan has completely given up coffee and drinks only warm water with lemon. And for nothing! Coffee improves brain function and optimizes liver function. Only it is better to use it without sugar.

Meghan's lunch

For lunch Meghan Markle usually prefers salad…

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Rospotrebnadzor named a vegetable that helps to lose weight and reduces cholesterol

Vegetable or berry? In fact, eggplants, which many people call "blue", belong to berries from the nightshade family. Their rich purple skin contains anthocyanins - plant pigments that have antiseptic properties, prevent inflammation and reduce cholesterol.

Eggplant - a treasure trove of useful substances. They are rich in B vitamins, carotene, calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, iron, folic and chlorogenic acid. For the rich purple color of eggplants are responsible plant pigments - anthocyanins, which strengthen the walls of blood vessels, reduce the risk of heart attacks and prevent the formation of cancerous tumors.

The fiber contained in them promotes digestion and helps the body to eliminate cholesterol. Thanks to this eggplant can be used to prevent vascular disease and coronary heart disease. They also perfectly stimulate the gastrointestinal tract, and the low calorie content makes this product suitable for dietary purposes.

To maximize the …

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