Alexander Dolgin: To find happiness, you need to communicate with people more often

Alexander Dolgin is a professor, head of the Department of Pragmatics of Culture at the Higher School of Economics, head of the Pragmatics of Culture Research Foundation, and manager of the Imhonet recommendation service.

Today the scientist is engaged in research on the problems of happiness and the meaning of life. What is the most valuable thing in human life, what is the basis for a long and happy life? How to learn to live happily? Alexander Dolgin knows the answers to these questions.

- Why do you think a person begins to think about what he has managed to do in life, what he can leave behind?

- A person begins to think at the moment when it seems to him that he has somewhere reached the plateau of his personal career. When it seems to him, when he sees that some part of the game has already been played, he does not see another game, whether it was played badly or well - but it has been played, and he has implemented some program, then…

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First time on ice: how to skate properly

As we get closer to winter, there are fewer and fewer opportunities for outdoor sports. This is a good reason to learn new types of physical activity. For example, get on skates to surprise everyone with graceful figure pas by the New Year holidays. Here are some tips for beginners from professional athletes.

Choose the right skates

Buy skates that fit your foot perfectly. To accurately adjust the size, focus on the insole. It should be half a centimeter longer than the foot. Put on the skates right in the store, lace up the boots to the top and walk vigorously in different directions. The ankle should be fixed so that the boots become an extension of the foot. Never take the skates a size larger. This typical mistake is fraught with injury.

Do a warm-up

Before going out on the ice, properly warm up the muscles. A standard set of exercises for morning gymnastics - just what you need. Take turns kneading the muscles of the whole body, starting with the neck and en…

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New Year gifts from NEWBY

New Year, the time of magic and winter fairy tale, is just approaching. But the time to look for gifts has already arrived. Today, when more and more people are thinking about their lifestyle and nutrition, it becomes bad taste to give candy or alcohol. A good gift should not be detrimental to health. In this respect, high-quality and stylishly packaged tea with a great taste and subtle aroma is a win-win solution for all times. In NEWBY's collection of gift offers you will find options for all occasions: for parents, close friends, loved ones or colleagues.

Do you want your loved ones to be lucky? Especially for 2019, NEWBY Teas has released the Year of the Pig holiday blend in a luxurious red jar with an embossed gold pig. In Chinese culture, the color red is a symbol of good luck, while gold represents wisdom and inspiration. Deep malt tones of classic Indian Assam are expressively emphasized by aromatic notes of natural almond pieces.

To make small pleasant…

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Children and allergies: the main fruit taboos

Children and allergies: the main fruit taboos

We used to think that fruit is a whole lot of goodness. So, and babies can give them without much fear. Yes, and the children themselves with great pleasure gorge on sweet fruits and berries as pure, and in all sorts of delicious dishes that spoil them caring parents. Alas, some fruits carry a hidden threat. We are talking about fruits that cause allergies in children.

Citrus is not the same as citrus

Fruits in the diet of children should be mandatory. Hardly anyone would argue with this. But, choosing them, it is important to adhere to the golden rule. The main part of the baby's diet should be fruit from the region or at least the country where he was born and grows. It is no coincidence that imported citrus fruits are recognized as the most common allergens. It is noteworthy that tangerines grown, say, in the south of Russia, can be absolutely harmless for the child, while the Mediterranean fruits cause painful itch…

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The Big Clean Feeling, or How to get your child used to cleaning

Parents always strive to give their children the best, to teach them important and necessary things. And, as you know, you should start small. Making the house clean and tidy is just such a case. When can you introduce a child to cleaning? How to do it competently? What mistakes can ruin the case? Practical advice is shared by an expert in the field of easy and safe cleaning - the manufacturer of eco-friendly home cleaning products Synergetic.

An example to follow

You can tell your child how important it is to clean and keep order. But if the house spontaneously becomes a real chaos, all these exhortations will be in vain. More effective and clearer personal example has not yet invented anything. Why not become a role model for your own child? Especially since all children love to repeat after adults.

Only this rule should apply to all households without exception. If the baby will see how someone nonchalantly puts a dirty plate in the sink and leaves, he will …

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Fun holiday: favorite games and amusements for Pancake Day

Everyone - from small to large - loves to celebrate Shrovetide. And not only for the opportunity to eat pancakes for the year ahead. The very Russian folk flavor is created by traditional games and amusements that have always accompanied this holiday for centuries. How did they have fun on Maslenitsa in the old days? What amusements have survived to the present day? And what interesting things are planned for this year? We study the main folk entertainment together with the brand "House in the village".

Somebody has rolled down the hill

In the old days, rolling down the hill on Pancake Day was not considered a fun for children and young people. Adults and even old people indulged in it with great pleasure. It was believed that this kind of ritual awakens vital currents. And after them, the earth slumbering under the snows revives and begins to call for the long-awaited spring.

In large cities, ice slides were built right on the squares. Traditionally, they were…

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Dina Sabitova: “People find the meaning of life in reducing the pain of others”

Dina Sabitova, having two young sons, took in a family a 16-year-old girl who had been returned to the orphanage by her former foster parents. The story of Dina and Luda was told by the Change One Life Foundation in February 2013. The experience of communicating with her adopted daughter is also reflected in Dina's book "Three Your Names". Almost a year after the publication of her story, Dina told the Foundation's correspondent Victoria Polezhaeva about finding herself, civic initiatives, foster children and books about orphans.

- In your opinion, when in what situations or at what age does a person think about what he or she will leave behind? Tell us how this happened to you?

- Up to the age of thirty you are practically immortal. You play with thoughts of death, if you are lucky, death meets you so rarely that it doesn't exist. Which means the thoughts of "what will be left after me" are very bookish.

Now, I think I've lived more than ha…

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How to organize a traditional Russian tea party at home

The tart drink, which came to us from the East, has long been considered native and close. Thanks to it, the Russian people have a colorful tradition. Not for the first century we brew tea, put treats on the table and enjoy the drink in the circle of relatives and friends.

The description of the Russian tea party in classical literature takes more than one page. After all, to convey the whole atmosphere that reigns during the meal, it is difficult with the help of a couple of sentences. Inviting to tea, we do not just call to taste a drink, we offer to spend a hearty time. How our ancestors did it, we will tell you in this article.

The way of tea in Russia

In our lands the drink got in the XVII century. In 1638, tea was delivered to the court of Mikhail Fedorovich. The tsar appreciated the gift, especially its invigorating effect, and ordered to establish supplies. Initially, tea was not perceived as a drink for every day. Up to the end of the XVII century, it …

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Mood with your own hands: organize a children’s party at home

The most reliable way to create a festive mood for yourself is to create it for someone else. And the best way to do this is to organize a small family party. Children will definitely take such an offer with enthusiasm and willingly participate in its organization. You do not need to come up with anything grandiose. Almost everything you need for an impromptu celebration is at hand. Experts of TM "Soft Sign" share useful tips and recommendations on this topic.

Decorating the room

Let's start with decorating the room. And here, of course, we can not do without balloons, because children love them. Dial as many helium balloons of different colors, but the same size, necessarily with long curly ribbons. Place them under the ceiling so that the ribbons hang beautifully parallel to each other. To some of them tie notes with humorous predictions or holiday cards. At the end of the holiday each child can take a balloon as a souvenir.

Simple, but very original decor ca…

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Lent with a child: every day is a joyful one

Lenten menu for children

During Lent, many parents wonder whether it is possible to involve children in it and how to do it correctly. We will talk about it. And at the same time we will discuss the Lenten menu for children and useful tips for each day.

Where is it better to start?

Do children need to fast? Only if the child has a conscious desire, - answers the Church. Forcing him or her to fulfill the Lenten regulations is not allowed in any case. This may cause rejection of faith and everything connected with it. If the child expresses a sincere desire to fast with you, and you are sure that he is ready for it, you should not refuse him. Do it only when the child is in poor health, has chronic diseases or other contraindications.

The Church does not give clear instructions from what age children can be introduced to the observance of fasting. Still, many clergymen recommend doing it no earlier than from the age of three. During this period there…

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