Milk Day: when it is celebrated and how this holiday is related to the storage of the product

It is no secret that the first food in the life of every human being, as well as all mammals, is milk. There are several memorable days in the world dedicated to this drink. One of them, Milk Day, is celebrated on January 11.

The history of Milk Day refers us not to milk itself, but to the fact that the drink is not kept fresh for long. Many attempts were made to extend its shelf life. Success was achieved only in the XIX century. French chemist and biologist Louis Pasteur in 1863 developed a method of longer storage of milk by destroying harmful bacteria. The method is used to this day, it is called pasteurization.

A few years later, physician Hervey Thatcher from New York created the first glass milk bottle. Its peculiarity was that the contents of the container were sealed with a disk of wax paper. This method of storage is still considered one of the most environmentally friendly.

The first batch of milk in sterilized glass bottles went on sale on Jan…

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10 foods that can be stored for a very long time

What products we will tell you about: Canned goods

Different types of canned food have a different shelf life, so pay attention to it when buying. The fastest to spoil are canned fish - sardines, sprats, mussels, tuna. They are recommended to be eaten within two years from the date of manufacture. Shelf life of green peas and corn depends on the container: in glass containers they remain fresh for three years, and in a metal can with enamel coating inside can last longer - about four years. The longest shelf life of canned meat - pork, beef and lamb. In tin and aluminum containers, stew is stored for up to five years, provided that the tightness of the packaging is not broken.

Milk powder Milk powder keeps for a very long time

Milk is something that is always missing from the fridge when you think of baking pancakes or pie. Fortunately, regular milk has a convenient analog in powdered form. And it's much more practical when it comes to storage. The ideal environment …

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How to properly store onions and garlic in winter at home: the expert shared her secrets

Onions and garlic are rarely eaten plain, but are often added to dishes. These vegetables are usually bought in stock so that they are always at home. Healthy eating expert Monica Matheny tells us how to preserve these foods for six months so they don't go bad.

Monica Matheny admits that she herself buys several kilograms of onions and garlic to have enough for the winter season.

"Strange as it may seem, it is not always possible to preserve garlic and onions long enough. Many people face the fact that some of the product turns out to be spoiled just a couple weeks after purchase. There are a few nuances that will avoid unpleasant surprises. The first is to choose quality products when buying. Bulbs and heads of garlic should be dry and hard. Second - never store them in the refrigerator. It is too cold and damp for onions and garlic, so they will soon begin to rot," warns Monica Matheny.

She adds that it is important to find a dark, dry, cool place with …

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How to store tomatoes and whether they need to be put away in the refrigerator

What the article is about:

"Many people have told me that tomatoes don't need to be stored in the fridge, but I remember very well that over the years I have lost quite a few beautiful tomatoes bought/picked in the summer because they simply rotted in the heat. Is +25 °C (and above) in the kitchen and better for tomatoes than 2-4 °C in the fridge! To answer this question, I did some experiments to answer myself the question: how best to store tomatoes. Here are the results of my experiments.

How to store slightly underripe tomatoes

If bought tomatoes have never been refrigerated - were collected in their own vegetable garden or bought in season at the market from a trusted seller, remove the tomatoes from the branches and store them upside down (the place where they were attached to the branch, down) at room temperature for a few days.

Why do tomatoes need to be turned upside down? The skin of tomatoes keeps the juice inside the vegetable well, creating…

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How best to store cereals – buckwheat, rice and others


Buckwheat is one of the healthiest cereals. It has a lot of protein, vitamins, plus it has antioxidant properties, stimulates digestion, helps control cholesterol and blood sugar levels. In short, it is recommended to cook buckwheat as often as possible.

You can buy groats in advance. Unlike many others, buckwheat is stored for a very long time. It is more resistant to desiccation and mold, plus its constituent fats are almost not oxidized. The main thing is to find a cool and dark place for it. Buckwheat does not like direct sunlight, so a closed cabinet will do. Choose a glass container with a tightly closing lid. But you should not store buckwheat in a store package: as soon as you open it, it will cease to be airtight.

Cook buckwheat with mushrooms and vegetables more often, it is tasty and useful

Ideal conditions: humidity of less than 60% and a temperature of 5 to 15 degrees. In it, the groats will last twice as long as indicated on the label. Ho…

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The chef revealed the secret of how to properly store eggs so that the protein does not become liquid

Dean Harper says you can tell if eggs are fresh by the condition of the protein. It is impossible to affect the product if it has already changed structure, but it is possible to prolong its freshness.

"Experts have been arguing about how to store eggs - in the refrigerator or at room temperature - for many years. It is known for sure that the freshness of the product and, consequently, the elasticity of the protein changes faster in a room with high temperature and low humidity. That's why I recommend storing eggs in the refrigerator," explains Dean Harper.

The chef says the optimum temperature is 4 °C. He also specifies that the best place to store eggs is in the back of the refrigerator, closer to the back wall, where the temperature fluctuations from the private opening of the door are not so noticeable, writes The Express.

Dean Harper also recommends storing eggs in store-bought packaging.

"Try to leave eggs in cartons. Exactly in the cart…

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Bread storage, recipes with bread

Ivan, the question is simple: what is the main criterion for fresh bread?Freshness should be understood as the softness of the bread.

Is it possible to determine the quality of bread by its appearance?For traditional varieties of bread, such as sliced loaf, darnitsky bread and Ukrainian bread, these are the following characteristics. The loaf should have a thin crust, not burnt, the bottom is clean, without dirt. The surface of the loaf should be glossy and even, without undermining and cracks. On the slice the bread should be uniformly porous, with pores of the same size. The cut should be smooth, the bread should not crumble on the cut.

What is the shelf life of bread?Unwrapped bread, produced in the traditional paprika method, is a perishable product. For example, a sliced loaf can be stored for only 24 hours, with packaging for up to 72 hours. Black bread without packaging - 36 hours, and in a package up to 48 hours. Of course, with the use of preservatives…

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Vitamin Preserves: 7 ways to preserve your greens now so you don’t have to buy anything in the winter

Why to store herbs

It would seem that herbs are in season everywhere, but it is so desirable to preserve them for the winter as well. There are several reasons for this. The reason is sentimental: this is your native greens, which you yourself grew with your golden hands or accepted as a gift from other native and favorite hands. Such greens are just a pity to leave to their fate. The reason is practical: scientists have proved that a number of useful substances, calcium, for example, in huge quantities are contained in greens. And it is assimilated from there even better than from dairy products. So it is worth it to prepare parsley, cilantro, dill and basil. And here's how to do it correctly, we will tell you further.

Preparation of greens

Greens before any type of preparation should be:

1. Thoroughly go through, removing spoiled parts of leaves and stems. After all, just one leaf can spoil the whole jar.

2. Wash in plenty of cold water, changing the…

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How long meat actually keeps in the freezer

Buying meat in advance and storing it in the freezer is a habit many people have. It's convenient: there's always a suitable piece of meat for soup or a hot dish on hand. In addition, you can plan the menu for weeks ahead.

In the freezer, of course, meat can stay in the freezer for a very long time. In the United States, the local Department of Agriculture believes that it cannot spoil at all. Russian producers usually indicate clear recommendations on the packaging: it is usually a few months. But here it is also important that meat even at sub-zero temperatures loses quality and flavor. Here are the storage recommendations for each type of product.


Whole chickens or turkey can be stored in the freezer for up to a year. If we are talking about certain parts of the carcass, for example, shanks, wings or thighs, then it is better to use them within 9 months.

Beef, lamb, pork

Red meat is stored for a long time - within a year. This ap…

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How to keep cucumbers fresh longer

About what we will tell in the article:

What varieties of cucumbers are better stored

Cucumbers that get on the shelves of supermarkets are most often hybrids. These varieties were bred so that they were stored longer and did not lose their attractive appearance. They usually have thick, dark green rinds. Find light, tender cucumbers in the store - a great rarity, but in the market in the season you can do it. True, they will be stored worse than those that are purchased from farmers by large retail chains.

For long storage are ideal pickling varieties of cucumbers. They are not precocious and are suitable for growing in the ground. Pickling cucumbers are removed regularly, letting them grow to medium size. In detail about what cucumbers are like, we wrote in this material.

Gardeners and authors of specialized resources praise these varieties for persistence and excellent storage: "Rais", "Kurazh", "Rodnichok", "Lilliput", universal varieties and hybrid…

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