Salt-free diet: is it true that giving up salt helps to lose weight and what will be the consequences? How to replace salt in dishes

What we will talk about in this article:

Why we need salt Salt is found even in leafy greens

Salt-free diet implies the refusal or partial restriction of additional salt (sodium chloride) in the daily diet. Here it is necessary to understand that quite consciously from salt a person can not refuse. There are several reasons for this.

Salt is a vital mineral, which is contained in a large number of human tissues and cells, as well as in the intercellular, cerebrospinal fluid and gastric juice. Without it, it is impossible for the body to function.

Sodium is a chemical element that is part of table salt and sea salt. Together with potassium, they are responsible for the regulation of water-electrolyte balance, which ensures the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system, muscles, nerve fibers, etc.

Chlorine is the second element of salt, which is extremely necessary for our body. It also maintains water and salt balance, is found in cells, blo…

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What is Bonn soup and why do you lose weight on it?

What the article will tell you about:

Bonn soup is a low-calorie soup that consists of vegetables, high in fiber and low in carbohydrates. It is based on tomatoes, onions, cabbage, sweet peppers, celery and carrots. These vegetables are rich in healthy nutrients: vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and yet have a very low energy value.

Origin of the dish The main ingredients of Bonn soup are tomatoes, onions, cabbage, sweet peppers, celery and carrots. The seasonings are added to your taste

There are several versions of the origin of this dish. According to one of them, Bonn soup was invented by a nutritionist from Germany to help people who were obese. He noticed that his patients who eat this soup lose extra pounds faster than those who follow other diets. Another theory says that the recipe for Bonn soup was developed in the United States in the 1970s to feed military pilots. According to a third theory, this soup was invented by a French chef who worked in a hotel in…

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Appetite control

Appetite can be controlled by psychotherapy and walks in the fresh air - and you can also harmless, but very effective "food" tricks.

1. Apple pectin

Apple pectin turns into a gel-like substance that increases in volume when it comes into contact with water, so it has a great ability to fill the stomach and make you feel full. And yet it contains only 42 calories per 100 grams. Pectin slows the rate at which sugar enters the bloodstream and improves the elimination of various substances - including fats.How to consume it?Take 4 g of pectin powder with a large glass of water before each meal. Exactly with a large glass: otherwise pectin instead of improving digestion, on the contrary, it will stall it. Pectin can be found both in capsule form and as a liquid, in which case add it to your tea and wash it down, again, with plenty of water.

2. Konnyaku

Aka Konjac. It is not the most popular product in our trade, but you should look for it (for example, in foreign on…

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Interval fasting: salvation or fiction?

Anna Borisova, gastroenterologist at the Verba Mayr Health Center in Austria

Interval fasting is not a new phenomenon. This style of nutrition belongs to the Indian Ayurveda, created more than 4000 years ago. It owes its current popularity to scientist Yoshinori Osumi, who was the first to say that hunger and lack of nutrients trigger autophagy, the process of natural release of cells from all harmful and unnecessary, which prevents the development of many diseases.

Interval fasting should be approached wisely, having prepared your body in advance. Refuse everything that changes metabolism and provokes hunger, such as smoking and coffee. Gradually reduce the number of calories consumed per day to a maximum of 1700. I also advise you to have a doctor's examination and assess the general condition of the body, to make sure there are no contraindications. If you are a fan of daily physical exertion, it is better to reduce your activity for the period of fasting.

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Astrological diet: what your zodiac sign needs to eat to feel great

Aries (March 21-April 19)

The most stubborn and passionate sign of the zodiac perfectly copes with any diet, however, very rarely it is really necessary. Vegetarianism will definitely not suit Aries, on the contrary, they need to get as much protein as possible. The best option is a sufficient amount of meat in the diet. It is also recommended that Aries avoid spicy spices and drink less coffee. Believe me, your energy will be enough for the whole day and without caffeine.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

No sign of the zodiac gains pounds as quickly as Taurus does. If you are a representative of this sign, you are most likely a true foodie. Food for you is a source of happiness. But we do not advise you to often ask for additives or eat at night - excesses will immediately deposit on the sides. A suitable diet for you - a diet low in fat, starch and sugar. And don't forget about sports!

Gemini (May 21-June 21)

Thanks to your innate absent-mindedness and very agile ner…

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Girls on a diet

Teenagers on a diet and in numbers

70% of teenage girls try to go on a diet from time to time. According to Canadian nutritionists from Laval University, every third of nine-year-old girls at least once, but tried to limit themselves in food for the sake of losing weight. At the same time, girls' ideas about diets are peculiar. They, for example, can declare "enemy number 1" meat or milk. Vegetables or porridge. Weeks sit on the next "Bonn soup", Japanese diets, arrange themselves unloading days and hunger strikes. All this, of course, leads to an imbalance of nutrients in the menu.

Vitamins, micronutrients, protein and complex carbohydrates are usually in short supply - and this shortage instantly manifests itself in the form of a variety of problems. Specialists from the Food Standards Agency (UK) have calculated: 46% of girls get too little iron, which causes anemia. The menu lacks magnesium and selenium, from which girls often have a bad mood and headaches.

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Lent. 5 myths and reality

1. Fasting is actually fasting

This misconception, most likely, came from those who in principle do not think of life without meat and dairy products. Accordingly, since they can not be consumed, it seems that it remains actually to starve. This opinion is fundamentally wrong. On a lean table can be a great variety of what gives Mother Nature herself: bread, vegetable oil, vegetables, mushrooms, nuts, cereals. The main thing is that the diet should be balanced at all times, including during the days of Lent.

2. Fasting is a kind of diet

Fasting should never be equated to a diet and considered a system of health-improving nutrition!First of all, strict adherence to Lent implies a drastic change in the dietary pattern and the list of foods consumed, which can cause many diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and nervous system. Before deciding whether to switch to a fasting menu, analyze your physical data, find out how the refusal of some products in favor of others m…

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How to lose five pounds fast

What we will tell you about in this article:

Is it possible to lose weight fast

Fast weight loss is one of the most popular topics of the modern world. Various diets, marathons, pharmaceuticals - what only ways do not go in order to achieve the desired result. Undoubtedly, you can lose a couple of sizes in a week and finally button up your favorite jeans or dress. Only the price of such weight loss may be too high.

What ways of intensive weight loss can adversely affect your health A low-calorie diet is one way to lose weight quickly. But you should not stick to it for a long time

There are a number of fairly quick ways to lose weight that are extremely popularized, but because of the negative consequences, we do not recommend their use.

1. Monodiets. With this diet, the basis of the diet is one product, for example, kefir, rice, buckwheat or cucumber diets. Yes, it is possible to lose weight quickly on such a diet, but during it the body does not get…

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The Lazy Man’s Diet, or the Water Diet

"I'm hungry. I want to lose weight.Iwant everything" - a phrase from the movie "Slave of Love" is close to many of us. But seriously, is it possible to lose weight in such a way that you don't torture yourself too much? You can! Thanks to the water diet.

The essence of the water diet, or Diet for the lazy.Fortunately, such a system of nutrition is quite simple to implement, the main thing is to follow two simple rules:

15-20 minutes before any meal, drink 1-2 glasses of water.In the process of eating and within 2 hours after the meal do not drink any liquid. After the specified time you can also allow yourself a glass of water, a cup of tea or coffee, but without additional goodies (no cakes, cookies, etc.). Take tea/coffee/juice as a full meal, which does not allow mixing food and liquid.

If you follow the described rules of the diet, you will manage, without changing your eating habits, to lose an average of 8 to 12 kg in 14 days.

How does it work?So, yo…

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How to lose weight fast

One week before the New YearLimit the calories in your usual diet by 500 calories in total for the week. Leave only lean fish and low-fat dairy products in your refrigerator.

For example, it can be cottage cheese no higher than 2% or 1.5% kefir. You can eat about 200 g of cottage cheese a day, and kefir - about 400 g. Chicken egg is an excellent source of protein, but as part of the New Year's Eve diet, I recommend excluding the yolks, as they are too fatty. From proteins you can make omelets with vegetables or use them in soups.

Rabbit, turkey, lean varieties of beef, as well as vegetable proteins, that is, legumes: lentils, beans and all soy products can become a substitute for fish. And don't forget about seafood: squid, shrimp and crab, for example.

What should you give up on this New Year's Eve diet? Exclude from your menu alcohol, sweet carbonated drinks and packet juices, canned foods and pickles. In addition, pause the consumption of foods high i…

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