4 healthy breakfasts for strength, energy and intelligence

Classic - an optimal start to the day

Black bread with a slice of cheese and red sweet pepper. To this add a boiled egg, an orange and a cup of green tea.

Classic Breakfast

Effect:Your body gets plenty of protein and slow carbohydrates, and your brain is energized by the moderate dose of caffeine found in green tea.

IQ-breakfast - strengthens memory and increases the ability to concentrate

Nonfat natural yogurt topped with granola, nuts and blueberries. Plus a large glass of water (minimum 300 ml) to be drunk before the meal.

IQ breakfast

Effect:By drinking a glass of water before breakfast, you maintain an optimal balance of fluid in the body. Non-fat yogurt contains live lactic acid bacteria that normalize intestinal flora. Nuts - a source of vitamins, minerals and unsaturated fatty acids important for the brain, and blueberries contain biologically active substances that stimulate brain function.

Energizing - for those who have to go…
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Classic oriental appetizers

Baba ganoush, labneh, muhammara - the mere names of these dishes make you feel warm. Now is the right time to cook them. It is still sunny outside, and many oriental dishes are created especially for hot weather. Peppers, tomatoes and eggplants are at their peak season, which means that the dishes will turn out unusually tasty. The recipes were shared with us by Lika Lewin, the creator of the Laffa Laffa chain of Middle Eastern cafes. Lika lived in London for 15 years, not far from the Arab quarter, where she thoroughly studied many dishes. The classics are taken as a basis, but there are author's touches as well

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What foods will help to fight stress, and what is better to give up

While comforting yourself with food during times of stress is the easiest and partly normal reaction, regular overeating will soon enough take a toll on your health and further increase your stress and anxiety levels.

A survey conducted by the American Psychological Association found that money, work, crime, violence, political climate, and the future of the nation - all serious stressors - are the most common triggers for eating disorders. And while stress is certainly bad for the body, the ways people cope with it can be just as unhealthy: nearly 40% of adults report overeating or eating junk food in response to anxiety.

Why is it dangerous to binge on stress?

What foods reduce stress and anxiety

Some foods that help fight stress by lowering cortisol levels

Foods to avoid when you are stressed out

Why is it dangerous to snack on stress?

When you are chronically stressed, the hormone cortisol rises, unrestrainedly increasing your …

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Capricious gland: 7 summer foods for prostate health

What we will tell about in the article A few words about the prostate and its functions

The prostate gland (this is how the prostate is called in medical language) is located in men in the pelvis under the bladder at the exit point of the urethra (urethra). In the body of members of the stronger sex, the prostate performs two functions:

makes sperm more fluid, while filling it with the nutrients needed to keep sperm active and motile;blocks the entrance to the bladder during erection: as we know, urine and seminal fluid in men "travel" through the same channel - the urethra, so it is important that during ejaculation (ejaculation) there is no sperm discharge into the upper urinary tract.

Thus, this small gland plays an important role in sexual function, but at the same time, this organ is often the source of many health problems.

Prostatitis and adenoma of the prostate: what is the difference, what are the similarities?

The two most common diseases of th…

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10 mood-boosting foods

What does our mood depend on?Mood is directly dependent on the substances produced by the body, which have a special effect on the brain and the central nervous system. The so-called neurotransmitters serotonin, norepinephrine, dopamine, endorphin and tryptophan improve our mood. Thanks to them we feel easy and confident, experience a surge of vitality and positive emotions, perceive the world in bright colors. If the amount of neurotransmitters in the body decreases, the mood, respectively, decreases. Most often this is due to stress, lack of sleep and rest, nutritional disorders or its imbalance. Active rest and sports, as well as certain foods can help improve mood.

Products that improve mood:1. MeatCertain types of meat (chicken, beef, pork) contain the amino acid tyrosine, which increases the levels of dopamine and norepinephrine, which improve mood, concentration and memory. In addition, meat is a source of vitamin B12, which helps with insomnia and depression. …

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Food instead of cream and spa treatments

1- Nuts

They are rich in poly- and monounsaturated fatty acids, which are key to fresh and moisturized skin. They contain antioxidants that help slow down oxidative processes and delay age-related changes. They are full of vitamins A, E, B6 and B12, potassium and calcium, which are essential for normal metabolic processes in the skin.

Choose any nut you like: almonds or walnuts, cashews or pistachios, pine nuts or peanuts to complement a green leafy salad, vegetables or as part of a pesto sauce.

Mixture of nuts

2. Wheat bran

This effective dietary product not only helps keep your digestive system on top, get rid of toxins and cheat your hunger, but also helps treat acne thanks to its high zinc content.

This trace element makes the skin smooth and supple because it helps synthesize collagen. In addition, without it, the healing of wounds on a variety of mucous membranes is slow.

Wheat bran

3. Beet

This is generally a very dietary vege…

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Tip of the day: snack on stress without harming your figure

Many people gain weight because they are often nervous at work. As soon as there are problems, you want to eat a piece of cake or a small chocolate bar. We offer you a list of what you can comfort yourself without harming your figure

Whole-grain breads

They are a source of B vitamins, essential for psychological health.


They have not only B vitamins, but also magnesium, which contributes to a positive perception of life. Not for nothing bananas are considered excellent natural antidepressants.


A source of "fast" carbohydrates that give us energy and help us cheer up.

Cheese and cottage cheese

These foods contain the amino acid tyrosine, which the body needs to produce dopamine, the joy hormone.

A cup of chamomile tea

Even our grandmothers knew that such tea is a great sedative. It is scientifically proven that those who regularly drink this beverage are less prone to neurosis, irritability an…

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Diuretic foods, what foods will help with edema

What is edema and where does it come from?

If you feel that your favorite ring on your finger remains a trace, and your feet become cramped in your shoes in the evening, if in the morning you can hardly find your eyes on your face or in the evening you can not find your ankles, then most likely you have edema. As you know, blood is a heterogeneous substance, which consists of cells and liquid part. So, when the latter for some reason leaves the vessels and finds a home in the space between the cells, this situation is considered as edema.

In fact, behind this phenomenon can be many processes: what is the cause depends on where the "unauthorized fluid" accumulates.


Possible causes

Local (based in a specific area of the body)

Inflammation caused by injuries, infections, can be a manifestation of local allergies, thrombosis of specific vessels, tumor.

In the lower body (legs)

Vein problems, overweight, hypodynamia. Read more

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The doctor told what is healthier: okroshka on kvass, kefir or mineral water

Every family makes okroshka in its own way, but the more traditional basis is considered to be kvass. Nutritionists suggest not to limit yourself to kvass and make a choice in favor of kefir or mineral water.

The choice should be made both in terms of proper nutrition, and taking into account personal taste and health. In Russia, homemade kvass has always been revered, but its modern varieties from the store often contain excess sugar, - said "Lenta.ru" nutritionist Alexei Kabanov. Some brands have almost twice the caloric content due to sugar, which leads to the development of diabetes and contributes to overweight and obesity. If you do not prepare homemade kvass yourself, then okroshka on kefir will be more useful.

The nutritionist explained the benefits of okroshka on kefir and mineral water. Kefir as a probiotic is a source of beneficial lacto- and bifidobacteria, necessary for metabolism and normal digestion, it creates a favorable environment in the intes…

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Minus 40 kg in 6 months: harm and benefit of the diet of Paulina Gagarina, what do experts say about monodiets?

What we will tell about in the article What is the diet of Polina Gagarina?

The Polina Gagarina diet is a modified version of the Margarita Koroleva diet. Margarita, known as a "star nutritionist", is the author of books on nutrition and weight loss, as well as the creator of the program "9 days", aimed at rapid weight loss (you can lose up to 10 kilograms in 9 days). It is this program was the basis of the diet of Polina Gagarina.

The initial version of the Koroleva diet consists of three stages, each of which lasts for 3 days. During the first three days it is suggested to eat only rice (golden or basmati), at the second stage allowed chicken without skin, and complete all vegetable days (vegetables should be eaten both raw and steamed). The author of the program does not propose to consider it as a permanent basis of nutrition: it is a way to quickly (and quite extreme) get rid of a few extra pounds.

During the first three days it is suggested to eat only …
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