Black bread with a slice of cheese and red sweet pepper. To this add a boiled egg, an orange and a cup of green tea.
Classic Breakfast
Effect:Your body gets plenty of protein and slow carbohydrates, and your brain is energized by the moderate dose of caffeine found in green tea.
IQ-breakfast - strengthens memory and increases the ability to concentrateNonfat natural yogurt topped with granola, nuts and blueberries. Plus a large glass of water (minimum 300 ml) to be drunk before the meal.
IQ breakfast
Effect:By drinking a glass of water before breakfast, you maintain an optimal balance of fluid in the body. Non-fat yogurt contains live lactic acid bacteria that normalize intestinal flora. Nuts - a source of vitamins, minerals and unsaturated fatty acids important for the brain, and blueberries contain biologically active substances that stimulate brain function.
Energizing - for those who have to go…