7 бюджетни идеи за обяд: рецепти за вкусни и евтини ястия за всеки ден

Домакините неведнъж са се сблъсквали с труден въпрос в кухнята: "Как да нахраня семейството си вкусно и евтино?". Но дори и със скромен набор от бюджетни продукти можете да измислите нещо оригинално. Предлагаме ви седем необичайни рецепти.

Пилешки жълъди в сметаново-чеснов сос

Подпродуктите могат да се похвалят с ниска цена и голяма полза. Те са с високо съдържание на желязо и мастноразтворими витамини А, D и E. Когато търсите нещо, което да поднесете за обяд, което ще бъде вкусно и евтино, разгледайте внимателно тази рецепта с пилешки сърца.

Чесънът определено трябва да се изпоти във вода. По този начин той ще загуби неприятната си острота, но ще запази характерния си аромат. Вместо заквасена сметана и вода можете да използвате сметана с масленост най-малко 20%.



пилешки сърца - 500 г лук - 1 бр. растително масло - 1 с.л. червен пипер - 0,5 ч.л. сол - щипка млян черен пипер - щипка

За соса:

заквасена сметана - 100 г га...
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Рибно меню от Юлия Висоцкая: 20 оригинални рецепти

"Нямаме късмет с рибата: по-голямата част от страната ни е разположена във вътрешността на континента, а моретата - по краищата му, а до средната зона рибата достига далеч не във вида, в който е уловена. Вероятно затова не обичаме много рибата и се отнасяме към нея с известни предразсъдъци, а думата "риба" извиква образи на задължителен "рибен ден" в четвъртък и мрачни рибни пастети. Но, уверявам ви, хубавата риба е наистина вкусна, особено ако знаете малко за нея", казва Юлия Висоцкая.

Време е да приготвите нещо оригинално! В нашата селекция ще намерите интересни идеи за рибни ястия и полезни съвети. Присъединете се към нас!

Лека рибена питка със спанак и кимион

Джулия нарича лакомството "лятна версия на кулебяка". Не бива обаче да се обвързвате с един сезон. Той не е важен за този пай. Вместо тлъста червена риба, ще свърши работа бяла треска или сайда. За повече сочност може да се намаже с няколко лъжици сос от заквасена сметана. Печете пая за 15-20 минути при...

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How to cook delicious couscous: 20 ideas from “Edim Doma”

Did you know that couscous came to us from Africa? Once it was made by hand and entrusted to the hands of women. Now the production of the product is automated, and you don't need to fly to another continent to taste it. It is enough to go to the nearest grocery store.

The cooks of "Edim Doma" will tell you how to cook couscous in a delicious way. We offer 20 proven recipes.

What is couscous and what is it like

Couscous is a cereal obtained from durum wheat or millet. Grains are crushed, sprayed with water, sprinkled with flour and assembled into small balls. The technology is somewhat similar to the creation of pasta, but for the latter they use particles of a smaller grind.

There are three types of grits:

Moroccan couscous can be recognized by the smallest grits. Their diameter does not exceed 1-2 mm. It is enough to pour boiling water over such groats, cover them with a lid and leave them for 5-7 minutes. Israeli couscous, or pearlcouscous, is …
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Homemade shortbread cookies: cooking secrets and recipes from “Edim Doma”

Homemade cookies are a real symbol of coziness. The taste and aroma of this delicacy can not be confused with anything, because they bring us back to childhood, awaken the warmest memories. Even the standard pastry from the confectionery is not as attractive as puffy cookies with uneven edges, which our grandmothers and mothers lovingly bake in the home kitchen.

There are so many varieties of homemade cookies. One of the most popular is shortbread. With him, many hostesses begin to learn the art of confectionery. Such a dessert is simple in execution and requires a minimum set of products. Yes, and it is stored longer than usual, and drying out, becomes only tastier.

Invite your loved ones to a tea party with crispy homemade shortbread cookies, and we will share the secrets of cooking and recipes for this treat.

Secrets of making shortbread cookies

"Proper" shortbread cookies are characterized by a delicate, homogeneous crumbly texture. Each piece of th…

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7 recipes for universal dough from “Edim Doma”

Baking doesn't need an occasion. What it definitely needs is a good base, or dough. And it comes in not only different types, but also flavors. There are universal players in all the flour abundance. They will easily befriend both sweet fillings and hearty ingredients. Here are seven such options.

Universal yeast dough

Who doesn't love puffed meat pies or berry buns? Both can be made from the same base. If you are afraid that the dough will turn out bland, add a little more spices and spices to the filling.

What to make: any pies, muffin rolls, sausages in dough, khachapuri, pizza, doughnuts or fried pies.

Ingredients: wheat flour - 300 g water - 100 ml milk - 100 ml vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. sugar - 1 tbsp. dry yeast - 5 g salt - 1 tsp. Method of preparation: Mix sugar, yeast, water and milk. Liquids should be warm, but not hot. Leave for 5-7 minutes. If foam appears on the surface, add sifted flour and knead the dough. If there is no foam, it mean…
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7 ideas on how to cook buckwheat to beg for more

Usually buckwheat is prepared in the most ingenuous way - boiled and served on the table. However, the role of garnish is not the only one for groats. On its basis, you can make a casserole or a warm salad. And also from porridge turn out universal fritters. We suggest discussing interesting recipes with buckwheat in this article.

Buckwheat cooked in a pot

We are accustomed to cooking buckwheat in a pot or saucepan. Let's try to make it in the oven. According to the same technology, the dish was cooked back in tsarist times. True, instead of an oven, an oven was used. Cereal was mixed with meat and stewed for a long time. Only wealthy people, such as merchants, could afford this treat. Hence the name - merchant-style buckwheat.

Ingredients: pork flesh - 300 g buckwheat groats - 100 g carrots - 1 pc. onion - 1 pc. garlic - 3 cloves vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. salt - 1 tsp. ground paprika - 0.5 tsp. bay leaf - 2-3 pcs. ground cinnamon - pinch ground black pep…
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7 recipes for stuffed zucchini and zucchini for delicious meals any time of year

High yields are not the only plus of zucchini. Fruits have a neutral flavor, so they are easily adapted to any product. They perfectly combine with meat, fish, cheese or cereals. Yes, and the preparation of vegetable "boats" does not require a lot of effort.

How to cook stuffed zucchini in the oven or in a frying pan so that you ask for more, we tell you in this article. We offer seven appetizing options for stuffing.

Stuffed zucchini in the oven with bread crumbs

In Italy, vegetable "boats" are often decorated with bread crumbs and finely grated Parmesan. After baking, the mixture turns into a crispy crust. For stuffing, it is better to take sausages intended for frying. They are juicier and more flavorful. Also suitable is homemade minced meat, flavored with rosemary or thyme.

Ingredients: zucchini - 2 pcs. sausages - 300 g sweet pepper - 1 pc. hard cheese - 40 g garlic - 3 cloves bread crumbs - 20 g tomato paste - 1 tbsp. vegetable oil - 1 tbsp.…
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Juicy summer: 7 recipes for refreshing morses and compotes

It's time for the first harvest, when you can delight your loved ones with homemade drinks made from fresh fruits and berries. Brightly colored morses and compotes will be an excellent alternative to lemonade. They contain useful microelements, including salts, the lack of which in the heat does not make up for ordinary water.

We tell you what delicious drinks can be prepared from seasonal berries and fruits. Choose combinations and enjoy summer gifts.

What is the difference between morses and compote

The difference between morses and compote lies in the way the ingredients are processed. Morses are prepared from freshly squeezed juice of berries or fruits. It is diluted with boiled water or decoction from the cake. Also add sweetener to taste. This method of preparation allows you to save more useful substances. Compote is necessarily cooked, not always from fresh fruit, sometimes using frozen berries or dried fruit. The drink is more often made with the addit…

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What to cook from minced meat in the oven and in a frying pan: 10 simple and delicious dishes

Stuffing is a universal product. It can be used to make ruddy cutlets, tender meatballs, hearty stuffed cabbage, appetizing rolls and much more. Stuffing is used to fill dumplings, vegetables, mushrooms, pancakes and pies. It is also the basis of the famous bolognese sauce. In short, the culinary potential of this product is enormous. And it is a pleasure to work with minced meat in the kitchen. It can be fried, stewed, baked, added to soups, mixed with different vegetables, cheese, herbs, sauces, cereals and pasta.

We present to your attention recipes of dishes from minced meat for all occasions.

Mexican-style rice with minced meat and vegetables

Do you like to experiment with recipes from different cuisines of the world? Then be sure to cook rice with a Mexican accent. The dish will turn out bright, balanced, spicy. Adjust the amount of hot pepper according to your taste. Instead of water, you can use meat or vegetable broth. Take boiled or canned beans. We o…

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What to prepare from apricots for the winter: jam, compote, jelly and other preparations

Sunny apricots are good in baked goods, go well with soft cheeses, add tartness and flavor to summer compotes. And apricots also make very tasty preparations for winter: jam with and without seeds, jam and jam, compote. All these sweets are easy to prepare at home and save until the onset of cold weather, when you especially want bright colors and flavors.

In the article we have collected the best recipes for apricot blanks. See step-by-step instructions with photos and choose a treat to your liking.

Compote from apricots for a three-liter jar

Compote is better to prepare in three-liter jars. Such a volume is enough to treat the whole family with a flavorful drink.

In the recipe we give the proportion of ingredients for one jar. We recommend using not too ripe apricots, so that the halves are conveniently separated from the pit and hold their shape.

Ingredients: apricots - 500 g sugar - 250 g water - 2.5 liters Method of preparation: Pick apric…
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